South Korean Golfer Gets a Three-Year Ban for Flipping Off a Spectator

Published on 2-Oct-2019 by Raoul Duke

Golf    Golf Daily Update

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South Korean Golfer Gets a Three-Year Ban for Flipping Off a Spectator

It'd appear that things are handled a bit differently on the Korean Tour, particularly in regard to discipline.

This past weekend, a South Korean golfer fabulously named Bio Kim lost his temper ever so briefly during a tournament.

However, this momentary lapse of reason really hurts.

Kim received a mind-blowing 36-month suspension from these rigid bastards.


Well, for this heinous act:


You may be wondering if dude kicked a child or strangled a pony immediately after that clip, but that'd be false.

Just the three-second bird.


Apparently, the protocol for this sort of thing is one full year for every second the obscene gesture is maintained.

Kim had a very human reaction to some nitwit taking a cell phone photo during his backswing.

Obviously, he could've handled it better, but this is just crazy talk.

The Internet concurs:


Let's not get started on NFL hypocrisy.



At least they let him keep his middle finger.

Kim actually went on to win the tournament but was then forced to do this in a desperate plea for mercy:


There was none forthcoming.

And no suspension for Sergio García, either.

If only this had been North Korea, then maybe Dennis Rodman could've negotiated on his behalf.