Winston: If Fisher Goes to Texas, I'll Go, Too

Published on 3-Jan-2014 by Stacey Mickles

Football - NCAA    NCAA Football Daily Update

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Winston: If Fisher Goes to Texas, I'll Go, Too

I don't know if he was kidding or not, but Florida State quarterback Jameis Winston said if head coach Jimbo Fisher heads to Austin to become the new Texas head coach, he wants to go with him.

This little tidbit was reported today by George Schroeder on Twitter:

Jameis Winston says if Jimbo goes to Texas, “I’m gonna ask if I can go with him – yeah, I’m serious, he’s my coach.” … Seems unconcerned.

Seminole fans all just had heart attacks. Fisher, as we have reported, is high on  the Texas wish list for their new head coach and since they are being turned down left and right, his name is still in the mix. 

Winston, as some may recall, wanted to go to Texas, but former head coach Mack Brown wouldn't even take his calls. Winston was seeking a university with strong football and baseball programs, which is how he wound up at Florida State after Brown didn't get back to him.

He was asked again about his interest in the Longhorns.

“Oh yeah! I even tried to call. I wanted to go to Texas bad!”

Sounds like he still wants "to go to Texas bad." Imagine what the Longhorns season might have looked like if Brown had taken Winston's call? Maybe he'd still have his job, and Texas might be playing for a national championship.

Then again, as they say, upon further review:

Winston teases Fisher about Texas job

Perhaps this is a sign Winston should be more restrained around poker tables and the Twitterverse. Otherwise, who knows where it might lead?