Manziel Kicked Out of UT Frat Party

Published on 29-Jul-2013 by Stacey Mickles

Football - NCAA    NCAA Football Daily Update

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Manziel Kicked Out of UT Frat Party

There are certain things we thought we would never see in this lifetime:

  • An African-American president,
  • Alan Thicke's son having a No 1 song,
  • Alan Thick's African-American son growing up to be president and still having a No 1 song, and
  • Johnny Manziel at a University of Texas frat party.

Yep, Manziel is at it again. This time he got kicked out of a frat party on the University of Texas campus this past weekend.

Now, you may ask why is this is an important story. Well, what quarterback you know is partying on his rival's campus in this neck of the woods?

You think you'd see AJ McCarron going to Auburn trying to get into a frat party? Um, no. Do you think you'd see Aaron Murray going to party at Georgia Tech? Again, no.

And you know why?

Because that's their rival!

That's why.

In the big picture, no, this doesn't matter. But if you're a Texas A & M fan or, hell, even one of his coaches, haven't you had just about enough?

Yes, I realize he is a 20-year-old, blah, blah, blah, but this is getting old. And I don't know what's more embarrassing, him being kicked out of a party that can be seen on YouTube or the fact he went to the University of Texas campus in the first place to have a good time.

He couldn't go to Houston or Dallas? Oh, and if you are an Aggie fan -- even one who doesn't use burnt orange toilet paper -- aren't you just a little pissed off that your UT buddies now have have pictures and videos of said event?

Yeah, I thought so.

It's all fun and games, until reality hits. But hey, Aggie fans, you got a month or so before that happens, so smile while you can and hope Johnny Football has himself a dream season.