Bills Fans Banned for Dildo Tossing

Published on 25-Nov-2016 by Raoul Duke

Football - NFL    NFL Daily Update

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Bills Fans Banned for Dildo Tossing

No surprise here: sex and football are a match, have always been a match, and always will be a match.

Sometimes, it's just not as sanitized as its glorified pimps would like it to be.

Like when deviant fans in Buffalo came up with yet another variation just last month at a Bills home game.

Perhaps you may remember where you were on the day of infamy when the sex toys hit the fan in Buffalo.

Yes, a dildo was tossed on the field during a Bills vs Patriots tussle.

Fortunately for all, this magical moment has been preserved for posterity.

That just may be the best thing that's ever happened anywhere, ever.

The referee who ultimately removed the phallic device from the field seemed mortified, choosing to kick it out of the way.

Gronk even provided a quality zinger after the game.

Sadly, the enterprising Bills fans and likely adult video store patrons who perpetrated this amusing little episode have been permanently banned from New Era Field in Buffalo.

While this was inevitable and probably deserved, the hypocrisy at play here needs to be addressed.

Sex and football are packaged together ad nauseam these days, from the gyrating cheerleaders on the sidelines to the impossibly attractive women seducing the camera while pimping Viagra during commercial breaks.

And let's not forget the gaudy monstrosity that is the Super Bowl.

Not that anyone's complaining, mind you.

And the line between the tools who pass these judgments and tools themselves, it's fine.

Very fine.