Angry White Dude: Legalized Wagering? Bet on It!

Published on 3-Feb-2018 by Larry Cory

Basketball - NBA    NBA Daily Opinion

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Angry White Dude: Legalized Wagering? Bet on It!

So, the word on the street's been that the NBA supports to legalize sports gambling

Not only do they want to see it get done, they have ideas about how to actually do it. 

What else is there to say but ...

Holy About-Face, Batman!


For decades, all sports leagues have all been in agreement:  No gambling on sports!

Why the NBA's sudden change of heart?

C'mon, dudes. We don't need Sherlock Holmes for this one.



The NBA's all about the Benjamins, baby! 

They want to make it legal to bet on their games, they've got ideas on how to git 'er done, and they want a 1% fee for every bet made.

Now, to an old PE and Health teacher, 1% sure don't seem like a lotta loot, but I've read where illegal gambling does around $400billion in business in the good ole USA.

Well, that's what commissioners do when they want to make a case.

It seems he chose to err on the high side, but still, that's some serious coin.

And any number in that level of the financial stratosphere makes it very clear that the ban on sports betting is a huge failure.

It's a bitch when kajillionaires think they're losing out on a massive revenue stream.


If the NBA does this, how long will it be before the other sports follow? 

In the blink of an eye, brothers and sisters! 

Money rules, and where the money is, everyone follows like the dogs they are.

Is there a downside to this?

Sure, millions of bookies will lose their jobs. 


Except maybe those who actually took action in chocolate chip cookies.

The upside is that we'll have better service from these outta-work dudes when we stop in to gas up at the 7-11 during the third shift!


Wow, legalized betting on sports. 

If MLB gets involved in this, how in the world can they keep Pete Rose and Shoeless Joe Jackson out of the Hall of Fame? 

Wait, did Shoeless Joe bet on the games, or did he just help throw the games? I'm not sure, but dude hit .375 in the 1919 World Series, so I doubt he wasn't trying to win. It wasn't in his DNA.

Dude was baseball royalty, right up there with Ty Cobb and Babe Ruth.


The NBA's had its brushes with point shaving and the like, but nothing as high profile as baseball.

So what would MLB do? I know what'd happen if it was down to me.

Shoeless Joe and Pete Rose are getting the Baseball Hall of Fame.

Bet on it!