Butt Fumble Redux: The College Edition

Published on 27-Oct-2018 by Raoul Duke

Football - NCAA    NCAA Football Daily Review

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Butt Fumble Redux: The College Edition

There is just something inherently magical about the butt fumble.

Not to mention its various incarnations in hockey, baseball, and on defense.

While the idea of a player slamming into his teammate's ass and coughing up the football isn't exactly a high brow concept, it never fails to entertain.

However it's presented.


We were treated to yet another one of these life-affirming turnovers during a skirmish between TCU and Kansas.

And wouldn't you know it, the impossibly bad Jayhawks actually benefitted from this little mishap, beating the Horned Frogs, 27-26, and ending a really embarrassing 14-game Big XII losing streak in the process.


Here's the dubious play in question, which occured with TCU down by three and driving for what would've very likely been the winning score:


For whatever reason, the most unfortunate Darius Anderson was originally callled down by contact, but the play was correctly revversed and ruled a fumble of the butt variety.

As you can see, dude got tripped up and plunged into the ass of his lineman, causing him to fumble.

Of course, this is a textbook example of butt fumble.


Sadly, TCU has been victimized by this type of thing before:


While these are all technically butt fumbles, they do lack the sheer audacity of the original:


Never change, Mark Sanchez.