If Tim Tebow Can Be a Met, So Can You

Maybe this dude is better than Michael Jordan.
But not yet.
The hoopster Hall of Famer made it to AA ball when he made his run at being a major leaguer.
Right now, all Tim Tebow has done is make it to organized baseball. Like Jordan, celebrity helps.
Dude's tryout got mixed reviews.
But it's a different world when one becomes a big brand.
Still, there's gotta be something of redeeming moral value from this. After all, it's Tim Tebow, for chrissakes!
Fortunately, someone's been paying attention. So, aspiring seamheads, viddy well:
Who knew?
While looking like he was trying to make a fair catch out there, Tebow confirmed that the only team for him was indeed the Mets.
The 1962 Mets.
Dude's just 54 years behind his time.